The magical force of the ocean is deep, intelligent, teaming with wisdom, unpredictable, and full of treasures, and so is your Water Dog. When you are ready for one, they come to you and you stand astonished at the complexity of this animal in your life.
Water Dogs teach us to trust. We learn trust for them, for ourselves, and for our own inner wisdom. It may not be in the most conventional or easy way, but a journey awaits that will enrich, change, and sometimes baffle your life. Water Dogs are often considered a spiritual teacher with four legs.
Water Dogs are emotional beings and also extremely sensitive to our emotions. They are pools of reflection for us. Do not expect to act differently than you actually feel when working with them, the Water Dog will know. They are the quintessential empaths. Accept this reflective gift and utilize it to create a deeper connection with them and hopefully with your own self, as that is always their ultimate goal.
Water Dogs learn best when they have a deep and intimate connection with their human. They are extremely smart and devoted. Their emotional reflex is fear. They can be calm one moment and go into full blown panic the next. Water Dogs are often passed around from owner to owner for odd behaviors, but they truly are loving, cuddly, fun partners. Stay the mile with them, they are worth it and they definitely have something to teach you.
To help Water Dogs make their way through life, they need a strong, kind, devoted leader that does not rattle easily. Once they bond with you they will often look to you first, before letting their fear lead them. Learn to honor the connection between you and your Water Dog and you will catch these fears before they turn into complete chaos.
They often have mysterious ailments and injuries that come and go or may not be easily diagnosed by or respond to conventional medicine. They can be prone to kidney issues, bladder infections, and weak lower backs and hind ends. Visit your vet for blood work at least once a year. Water Dogs will teach you to think out of the box, and trust your intuitions about what feels right for them.
Expect the unexpected. Learn from the Water Dogs wisdom and they will enrich your life with their purpose and presence beyond your wildest dreams. Oh, and they may just drop into your dreams to chat, don’t be afraid to listen!
Old Water Dogs
Old Water Dogs hold a wellspring of wisdom in their eyes. They have “been there, done that” on so many otherworldly levels as well as this one we live in. Old Water Dogs need to feel quiet and peace as they age as well as deep connection and devotion. They prefer to be right by your side if they can be. Keep their muscles and back strong, start ramp training early as they tend to weakness in the hind end and may have problems jumping into cars and climbing steps. Slings can be very helpful also. Watch for excess drinking and urination, and be sure to schedule a vet visit if you see this.
As you start to view your dog’s world in this new interesting way, try broadening your scope to yourself and imagine your own predominant element. This can provide a unique and helpful understanding of both your dog’s inner and outer world as well as your own.
Stay tuned for the next blog on your combined Elemental relationship... Who is Your Dog? Who are You?
May this bring peace and harmony into your relationships with your animals, yourself, and this amazing and intricate world we live in!
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