There is a rich alchemy created when a human and dog connect. We all feel it at some point, this tangled vessel of our hearts mixing up a sparkly batch of lifechanging experience and wisdom. The precious time we share with them becomes a PhD worth of teachings about life and about ourselves. As Wisdomkeepers, they become markers in time for us and remain nestled in our hearts for eternity.
I am so excited and honored to share the deep Wisdom that has been gifted to me by many, many dogs in my home life,my practice, wild canids, and the world around me. The wisdom and teachings our dogs generously impart can provide us with subtle information about who we are, who they truly are, and how we both interact with the world around us. Dogs are a wellspring of reflection for us humans and can be patient teachers for us, once we have the listening skills required to learn about ourselves.
Dogs have always helped me connect the dots of life and taught me how to be a better human. Yet I secretly live my feral side through them. They strengthen my listening skills, my awareness of all things around me, my awareness of others and the pain that others carry deep inside. They are a bridge of understanding for me about human nature. My queries are many in this realm, but dogs have taught me empathy and acceptance, two powerful tools for settling my questioning.
They teach me to reach out and help others, to forgive unconditionally, to eat on a regular schedule, play hard, and how important naps are. I vicariously wag when I see a friend and carefully sense the waters with most new humans, all the while just being exactly who I am. The more time you spend with dogs, the more subtle teachings occur and a peace begins to form, the peace of knowing you are not alone on this journey but have a caring and fun guide to help you navigate this complicated world.
I hope some of these blog articles offer tools to create more awareness of your own feral self and can help shift outdated ways of being, doing, and feeling. I hope your understanding of Dogs and all animals becomes deeper and carries the respect that they deserve. Let's share their path to create more
two-legged Wisdomkeepers and make the world a better, more harmonious place, one wag at a time.
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