Course Overview:
Capacity building is defined as the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes, and resources that Animal Bodyworkers, Veterinary Technicians, Healers and Rescue workers need to survive, adapt, and thrive in the ever-changing animal wellness world.
This course provides an integrative approach and group discussions on recognizing and managing the “less spoken of” aspects of healing work with animals. It’s a “how to” course for tactfully and mindfully handling the situations that arise with animals and their humans, with ideas for deep self-support for the animal wellness workers. Sharing is encouraged but not mandatory.
Capacity building acts as a companion buide for the heart.
In this program, you will be guided through a series of exercises that expand self-awareness, empathy and compassion.
You will discover the fine balances of instinct, knowledge, and experience i.e. the wisdom of both the animal and yourself.
You will learn to work outside the “reactivity zones” of both animals and their humans.
You will learn to cultivate care, honor and respect for yourself and see how that transfers to others.
This training not only facilitates a unique union with each animal but also opens the door to “two-way trust” between you and the animal and you and their human.
In this course you will experience merging the 3 pathways for healing, being vs. doing, the power and communication of breathing, vibrational listening, coherence techniques, boundary creation, compassion syndrome, empathy and ethics, tactful advocacy for the animals, management strategies for difficult people and situations and much, much more.
This is a course that fills a huge gap for all animal wellness workers’ hearts. Our hearts are why we do this work. This is a course that I wish was available 35 years ago. It is powerful and potent and healing for us all.
Contact me with questions or to sign up.
Syllabus is available upon request.